Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Why is it that the person that bags my groceries always wants to put my toilet bowl cleaner in the same bag with my Mint Milanos? When I ask for it in a separate bag, they take offense. Does that ever happen to you? It happened to me tonight at Target. How would they like it if I sprayed Clorox on their lunch? I don't think they would.


Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

I usually do self check out because of this issue. But if its closed, this is what I do. First, bring your own bags. Good for the earth and your sanity. So set a bag on the belt and the groceries you want in said bag. Then set another bag and the groceries you want in that bag, and so on. They might look at you funny but usually the think its brilliant. And because they are your own bags, they can't tell you they are required to shove your Tide, bread and grapes all in the same bag. Just make sure you bring lots of cloth bags and you'll be golden!

lisagh said...

I can't stand when meat is in a bag with anything else. Scares me! I feel your pain. KK presents a good option!

Miss Janice said...

This kind of thing happens to me all the time! I can't stand it. I almost would rather bag my own groceries!

Debra said...

Yes, it happens to me too. It drives me crazy. I know the baggers at my store hate me! But really, how hard is it to put groceries in a bag?