Monday, 10 May 2010

This week (May 10-14) is National Etiquette Week. In honor of the occasion, Miss Janice is hosting a giveaway on her blog. Head on over there to enter to win books by Letitia Baldridge.

We should practice good etiquette every day, not just this week. Remember to send those Thank You notes, RSVP, and refrain from using that cell phone while you are standing in line at Publix or Panera Bread (or anywhere else).

While I was on crutches, I was more conscious of bad etiquette. You would not believe the number of people that cut right in front of my while I was walking with my crutches. But, there were also a lot of people who were very courteous.

I hope everyone has a great Tuesday. And, don't forget your manners.


Suburban Princess said...

I found the same thing when I had my son - it is amazing how few people will hold a door as opposed to just letting it slam on a stroller!

Miss Janice said...

Thanks for spreading the word Missy!