Saturday, 10 July 2010

It is finally Saturday. Even though I only worked four days this past week, it seemed like a long week.

Last night, we got some much needed rain. It seemed to make everything smell cleaner. But, I'm sure as soon as it warms up, it will be humid. As the insurance company nurse in Rear Window says, "It just makes the heat wet".

I hope today is a nice, relaxing day. As I sit here, it is very quiet in the neighborhood. Everybody must be staying in this morning.

For breakfast this morning, I'm having a blueberry scone from Publix. I love the scones from Publix and The Fresh Market. They are so good with a cup (in my case, small pot) of tea. This morning, I'm enjoying mine with a can of TaB, my usual morning beverage.

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend.

1 comment:

Sherrie said...

Starbucks pumpkin scones are my favorite, but they are so bad for me! :)