Wednesday, 23 September 2009

We've gone 24 hours without rain. I feel for those people in Georgia. They either have way too little or way too much. Maybe everyone will dry out soon.

I gained a few pounds while on vacation, and now I'm having a hard time losing it. Yesterday, I wore one of my new Brooks Brothers dresses. It was a little snug. I was upset all morning about it. As the day went on, it became lose. I thought it had probably stretched out, but I tried on the others when I got home. They were actually very lose. That made me feel a lot better. I don't have any clothes to wear at this time of year. I hate to wear my summer clothes, but I guess as I'll have to. I usually put them away about September 21.

I hope everyone has a good Wednesday.

1 comment:

Headbands and Hand Bags said...

Wednesday at Last! I love seeing the middle of the week! Fall sweaters will be ready to be pulled out soon enough!