Thursday, 3 March 2011

I can't believe it is Thursday already.

I have been doing very good with South Beach this week. I have also been exercising with Jack Lalanne. If you are interested in the Jack Lalanne exercise show, you can just go to his website and watch the videos. Don't just watch the videos. Get up off of the sofa and exercise along. The first couple of episodes were very easy, but the past couple of days, he has added more exercises. I hope to be able to keep it up.

I haven't been very diligent about wearing my more professional clothes this week. I have been wearing my LL Bean bayside twills. I have navy, black and khaki.

Can you believe how much gas has gone up? It is $3.39 at the stations that are close to me. OUCH! I am limiting my travels. It's a good thing that I am on a strict diet. That way I stay home.

Since gasoline is so high and it is suppose to storm this weekend, I am going to stay in and clean house, read and watch TV. I have several Poirot DVD's that I haven't watched yet.

I hope everyone has a good Friday.

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