Thursday, 5 February 2009

Today was a quiet day at work and tomorrow promises to be even quieter. I hate days like this. They seem to drag.

I went to a meeting of my women's club after work. We are having a bingo fundraiser at a Catholic church on Saturday (that's the only place where you can play bingo, apparently it's a sin at other churches). There was a new woman there that tried to suggest that we change something. She got knocked down real quick. I think she got her nose out of joint. Oh well, she'll get over it. You would not believe her outfit. She had on red pants and jacket, a red and white blouse, red high heel boots with pointy toes, big red earrings, rings on every finger and a red bucket hat. She never took off the hat. I never could figure out why she had it on. It wasn't raining outside, it was sunny. And it was 49 degrees outside. I guess she thought she was chic in it. I think she may be someone that has to show off how much money she has. She has donated a lot of stuff for the bingo, but I don't feel like it is out of the goodness of her heart. I think she wants us to see that she can afford to.

Today, at work, we heard sirens outside. Of course, we had our noses pressed up against the window. Across the street, there were 4-5 fire trucks, 2 ambulances, 3 police cars and representatives from 2 TV stations. I emailed a friend that worked across the street. She said that someone in the next building was drilling grommets and there was some smoke that set off alarms. Why so many fire trucks? The firemen got out of their trucks in full uniforms and got out all of their equipment and axes. One good thing, the fireman were nice to look at. At least we were entertained for about 30 minutes.

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