Monday, 13 April 2009

I hope everyone had a great Easter. Our family did. My mother and I got to church at 10:35 for the 11:00 service. We got the last two seats that were together. The church was overflowing, which is a good thing. After church, we went to my sister and brother-in-law's house for lunch. My brother-in-law's parents, sister and her family and one of his brothers was there. We had a good meal and a nice visit. Afterwards, we went home and got lazy.

On my way back to Birmingham, I got to see the "war zone" where the tornado plowed through. It was awful. It rained all the way back. I woke up at 2:00 am to the sound of strong winds. I was terrified. The winds blew for over 2 hours. On the news, they said that the winds got up to 50 mph. My mother called me while I was driving to work. She said that she had been up since 2:00 because of the storm. She was without power. My sister lives less than 2 blocks from my mother, and she could not get to my mother's house because of trees being down. Trees and power lines were down all over town. She walked to Hardee's to get breakfast. I told her to not go any where unless it was an emergency. She couldn't get her car out of the garage, so the man across the street helped her get her garage open. She went to the store about 11:00. She told me that one of her friend's house was demolished by pine trees that fell on it. I feel awful for her. And, it's supposed to storm again tonight. Those people need a break.

I think I may go to bed early tonight. I didn't sleep well last night because of the storm.


Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

So scary- keep ypourself safe!

Sandra said...

Glad you are safe and sound.